The Holwell Vision

At Holwell, we believe that every child deserves the right to a high attaining, aspirational curriculum where all children are able to reach their full potential. Our vision for education extends past the walls of Holwell and we strive to provide a curriculum which provides opportunities and experiences which will inspire our children to be lifelong learners and successful members of the community.

  •  All Staff and pupils have high expectations and aspirations of themselves and each other.
  • Our RICRAC Characteristics are an integral part of the Holwell curriculum and teaches students attitudes and skills that can be transferred through each stage of their learning. 
  • Our curriculum is broad and dynamic and always prepares students for their next stage of learning and life in the 21st Century 
  • Our environment exposes our students to a high level of vocabulary and reading is valued as an important skill to access education for life and a central part of our curriculum. 
  • We cultivate a rich source of cultural capital through experiences both in the school and throughout the wider community to address social and economic challenges in the local area. Pupils cultural awareness is broadened and students  build a broad range of personal and social skills that enable learning, growth and participation as active citizens

The Holwell Values

At Holwell Primary School, we believe that positive behaviour is essential to the creation of a safe environment where everyone’s rights are respected and their responsibilities understood.

Our school motto is a constant reminder of what we should aspire towards. Learning today for our tomorrow is at the heart of the ethos of Holwell school along with our key values of Respect, Independence, Co-operation, Resilience, Aspiration and Courage. These values are also the names of the 6 'Houses'.  Promoting good behaviour is an integral part of our curriculum at Holwell and is embedded within our intent to provide children with opportunities to develop pro-social behaviours and independence to control their own behaviour and make positive choices. 

Our values are represented by the RICRAC Holwell Heroes who help teach, model and recognise positive behaviour within our school and the wider community.

RICRAC Holwell Heroes

“There’s a scientific study that shows that if you stand… in superhero pose for just five minutes before a job interview, a big presentation, or a really hard task, you will not only feel more confident, you will perform measurably better.”