At Holwell Primary School we encourage our pupils to complete homework as this can reinforce a child’s learning in the classroom.
The home learning for Early Years will consist of reading with children and sharing books and taking children to places of interest and talking with them to extend their vocabulary.
Home learning within Key Stage 1 and 2 will consist of;
Reading: Each child will have a reading book which they are encouraged to read every night. Parents are asked to record this within their child's reading records. Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.
Spellings: Children will be given a set of spellings every Monday to learn. They will be tested on these spellings every Friday.
Times tables: Children are encouraged to proactive their times tables regularly. Each child has a log-in for Time Tables Rock stars
Projects: At the beginning of each half term, children are set three projects that link to their overarching topic for the half term. The children will have 2 weeks to complete the projects.