Dyslexia is a term used to describe difficulties with word reading and/or spelling which are significant and persistent in nature despite differentiated and personalised learning opportunities and evidenced-based intervention.
Dyslexia is underpinned by difficulties in some or all of the following:
Phonological awareness is an awareness of the sound structure of language.
It is the awareness of the units of sounds – which may be words, syllable, rhyme, phonemes
Why might children experience difficulties with developing phonological awareness?
Resources to support at home
Specific Learning Difficulties | DSPL (Area) 5 (dspl5.co.uk)
Dyslexia is a term used to describe difficulties with word reading and/or spelling which are significant and persistent in nature despite differentiated and personalised learning opportunities and evidenced-based intervention.
Dyslexia is underpinned by difficulties in some or all of the following:
Phonological awareness is an awareness of the sound structure of language.
It is the awareness of the units of sounds – which may be words, syllable, rhyme, phonemes
Why might children experience difficulties with developing phonological awareness?
Resources to support at home
Specific Learning Difficulties | DSPL (Area) 5 (dspl5.co.uk)
Dyslexia is a term used to describe difficulties with word reading and/or spelling which are significant and persistent in nature despite differentiated and personalised learning opportunities and evidenced-based intervention.
Dyslexia is underpinned by difficulties in some or all of the following:
Phonological awareness is an awareness of the sound structure of language.
It is the awareness of the units of sounds – which may be words, syllable, rhyme, phonemes
Why might children experience difficulties with developing phonological awareness?
Resources to support at home
Specific Learning Difficulties | DSPL (Area) 5 (dspl5.co.uk)