
A curriculum that leaves nothing to chance!


At Holwell, we deserve the right to a high attaining, aspirational curriculum where we are able to reach our full potential. Our curriculum provides us with opportunities and experiences that will inspire us to be lifelong learners and successful members of the community. 

  • All Staff and pupils have high expectations and aspirations of themselves and each other. 
  • Our RICRAC Characteristics are an integral part of the Holwell curriculum and teaches pupils positive behaviour attitudes and skills that can be transferred through each stage of their learning.  
  • Our curriculum is broad and dynamic and always prepares students for their next stage of learning and life in the 21st Century 
  • Our environment exposes our students to a high level of vocabulary and reading is valued as an important skill to access education for life and a central part of our curriculum. Our pupils are immersed in a language rich environment
  • We cultivate a rich source of cultural capital through experiences both in the school and throughout the wider community to address social and economic challenges in the local area. Pupil’s cultural awareness is broadened and students student builds a broad range of personal and social skills that enable learning, growth and participation as active citizens


At Holwell, we aim to provide a curriculum that leaves nothing to chance .

Our broad and balanced curriculum extends past the walls of our classroom and school and aims to develop lifelong learners and successful members of a community. Our curriculum was designed with the aim of to ensure that all pupils receive an equitable curriculum which provides each pupil with access to the resources that fit their circumstances, meets their needs and allows them to learn and thrive. 

The subject curriculum has adequate and comparative time allocated to each subject as outlined by the National Curriculum and has been carefully mapped to ensure it provides a sequential and progressive approach to learning. Our curriculum follows the statutory requirements set out by the government whilst aiming to inspire each pupil to achieve their very best. We have considered our half-termly topics carefully to ensure they meet the interests and needs of our pupils and each lesson is planned, ensuring it is accessible to all.  Resources and activities provide enriched experiences to give a progression of skills and learning throughout the school.

Click here for more details about the subject curriculum at Holwell.


Our character curriculum extends the children’s learning beyond the national curriculum and classroom learning and ensures that we are developing our children into successful members of the community who demonstrate positive behaviour traits.  


The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s Core Values (respect, independence, cooperation, resilience, aspiration and courage) and these are taught on their own and through all areas of the curriculum, including assemblies. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the British values are weaved through our curriculum in every lesson, ensuring that pupils have a clear understanding of the values that underpin our British constitution. Through the curriculum, pupils learn skills necessary to succeed in each subject, whilst developing their personal and social skills.