Promoting Positive Behaviour

At Holwell Primary School, we believe that positive behaviour is essential to the creation of a safe environment where everyone’s rights are respected and their responsibilities understood.

Learning Today for our Tomorrow is at the heart of the ethos of Holwell school along with our key values of Respect, Independence, Co-operation, Resilience, Aspiration and Courage. Promoting good behaviour is an integral part of our curriculum at Holwell and is embedded within our intent to provide children with opportunities to develop pro-social behaviours and independence to control their own behaviour and make positive choices. 

 Our values are represented by the Holwell Hero’s which represent behaviours that will be used to teach, model and recognise positive behaviour within our school and the wider community.

Behaviour Policy September 2022

Promoting Positive Behaviour

At Holwell Primary School, we believe that positive behaviour is essential to the creation of a safe environment where everyone’s rights are respected and their responsibilities understood.

Learning Today for our Tomorrow is at the heart of the ethos of Holwell school along with our key values of Respect, Independence, Co-operation, Resilience, Aspiration and Courage. Promoting good behaviour is an integral part of our curriculum at Holwell and is embedded within our intent to provide children with opportunities to develop pro-social behaviours and independence to control their own behaviour and make positive choices. 

 Our values are represented by the Holwell Hero’s which represent behaviours that will be used to teach, model and recognise positive behaviour within our school and the wider community.

Behaviour Policy September 2022