Relationship, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) is a statutory subject that must be taught in all primary schools from September 2020. We choose to teach RHSE through our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum. At Holwell Primary our RHSE curriculum aims to prepare our children for the complex world they are growing up in both on and offline and support them to make fully formed positive choices. More information can be found in our RHSE policy.
PSHE including statutory RSHE is integral to the development of children's values in order for them to become a positive citizen in a forever changing community.
We deliver the PSHE curriculum through a range of different approaches:
- Dedicated PSHE including RSHE lessons - we use the Jigsaw scheme which fulfils the statutory and the non-statutory elements of the National Curriculum. Parent presentations on how we deliver RSE are scheduled yearly and leaflets are available by request from the admin office.
- School Values- Holwell staff and pupils embrace the RICRAC values of Respect, Independence, Cooperation, Resilience, Aspiration and Courage in all they do. Each value is linked to a character that the children know and can relate to.
- Assemblies -Through Monday Mission assemblies focusing on the 6 RICRAC values children are encouraged to think about how the values can be developed and shown throughout their week ahead. Demonstrations of these values are rewarded and celebrated in the RICRAC celebration assembly each Friday.