Assessment at Holwell follows the principle that assessment information will only be accurate and valuable if it is the result of rich and immersive learning opportunities. If children are bored and disengaged, they will not demonstrate what they know, understand and can do in their work. Assessment should not seek to label children’s achievements but instead to remove the ceiling on attainment and support children in making the next steps in their learning.
Click here to read our Assessment Policy 2024 to find out more abput assessment at Holwell.
Through each academic year, the children are immersed within a progressive curriculum where they are taught a range of skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum. The children’s understanding and attainment of what they have been taught is assessed against the National Curriculum end of year expectation statements for each year group. At each assessment point, the children will be banded at WTS, EXS or GDS.
Working Towards the National Curriculum Expectations of their Year Group (WTS): Your child is accessing the relevant curriculum but is not yet fully secure.It is important to remember that your child will not have been taught the whole curriculum for their current year group at this assessment point e.g. Autumn Report and therefore will be assessed at working towards achieving the expected standard but they may be secure in the curriculum for their year group by the end of the year.
Working at the Expected Standard of their Year Group (EXS):Your child is secure and working independently across all the year group curriculum expectations.
Working at Greater Depth within the expectations of their year group (GDS): Your child has shown a secure knowledge of the expectations across all their curriculum and is tackling challenging tasks and developing a mastery level understanding