Admissions at Holwell Primary School

As a County primary school, Holwell Primary School admits pupils in accordance with the admissions procedure for all Hertfordshire primary schools.

Holwell Primary School is a 2 form entry school which admits up to 60 children into each year group. We have a double entry intake every September.

Parents will normally be sent a leaflet for a primary school place in the autumn preceding your child’s admission. This will advise parents on how to apply for a primary place online.

The lists used by the County are those of the local health authority and there can occasionally be errors or omissions, often due to people moving house. If you do not receive a pack, please let us know or visit the website –

Parents who are considering sending their child to Holwell Primary School are warmly invited to visit us. Please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a visit.


Determined Hertfordshire County Council’s oversubscription criteria:

In the event of the school being oversubscribed, places will be offered in the following priority order:

Children Looked After and Post Looked After Children but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or become subject to a child arrangements or special guardianship order).

Medical or Social: children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the school. A panel of officers will determine whether the evidence provided is sufficiently compelling to meet the requirements for this rule. The evidence must relate specifically to the school applied for under Rule 2 and must clearly demonstrate why Holwell Primary is the only school that can meet the child’s needs.

Linked School: in the case of Junior schools, children who attended the linked infant school at the time of their application. This rule applies to pupils who are currently attending Infant school which has a linked Junior school – this is not the case for Holwell Primary School.

Sibling: children who have a sibling on roll of the school. This applies to Reception through to Year 5 at Holwell Primary School.

Nearest School: children for whom it is their nearest community or voluntary controlled school or an own admitting school or academy using Hertfordshire County Council’s admission rules

Distance: children who live nearest to the school. If your child does not qualify under Rule 5, they will be under Rule 6.

These rules are applied in the order they are printed above. If more children qualify under a particular rule than there are places available, a tie break will be used by applying the next rule to those children. Where there is need for a tiebreaker where two addresses measure the same distance from a school, in the case of a block of flats, the lowest door number will be deemed the nearest as logically this will be on the ground floor and therefore closer. If there are two identical addresses of separate applicants, the tiebreak will be random.

Age of Admission and Deferred Entry to the Reception Class

 Legally, a child does not reach compulsory school age until the start of the term following their fifth birthday. However, Hertfordshire County Council’s policy is to offer full time education, to all those children who have been offered a place in a reception class, from the September following their fourth birthday. Should a parent so wish, they may defer their child’s entry to the school until later in the year but not beyond the point at which the child reaches compulsory school age and not beyond the beginning of the final term of the school year. Similarly, should a parent/carer wish, a child may attend part time until later in the year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age. 


Summer Born Children (Those born between 1st April and 31st August) 

 Hertfordshire County Council’s policy is to offer full time education, to all those children who have been offered a place in Reception class, from the September following their fourth birthday. However, if parents/carers do not believe that their summer born child is ready to join Reception so soon after their fourth birthday, they should contact the Local Authority before making an application. Before making the decision to delay their application, parents are strongly advised to discuss their child’s needs/development with their current early years or nursery provider. Also, they should be aware that, if applications are delayed for a year, they are processed in the same way as all other applications received at that time, so there is no guarantee that a place will be offered at a preferred school.


Appeals: Parents wishing to appeal who applied through Hertfordshire's online system should log into their online application and click on the link "register an appeal".  Out of county residents and paper applicants should call the Customer Service Centre on 01992 588548 to request their registration details, log into and click on the link "log into the appeals system". 

Follow this link for Admission appeals – what you need to know | Hertfordshire County Council

Reception Open Events

We host an open morning and an open evening during the Autumn Term for prospective Reception intake. For further details, please visit our website or contact the Admin Team at .

For details of the County Admissions Policy and how it is applied, please go to –

For admission rules and to check In Year Vacancies please click here. 

You are welcome to look round the school. To make an appointment please contact us on 01707 323716 or by email at