Knowledge Organisers

At Holwell Primary School, we have developed Knowledge Organisers for each of our topics across the whole school.  They are used by staff to support the planning and resourcing of lessons.  The Knowledge Organisers are a concise summary of the topic to be taught and include:

  • The learning objectives for each lesson of the unit
  • Suggested activities, investigations or experiments for the lessons
  • Areas of the National Curriculum the lesson will cover
  • How the new learning links with other subjects and what prior learning should be in place
  • A list of key vocabulary for the unit
  • Core knowledge – facts that are useful about the topic
  • Any opportunities for writing that could be incorporated into the unit
  • What the overarching question is for the unit – if applicable
  • Assessment questions
  • Coverage of the Experiences Passport
  • Any trips or enrichment activities
  • The "Wondering Why?" links to careers 
  • Any lessons with a link to SEMH and emotions
  • Any resources needed for the lessons

These are working documents and are reviewed at the end of each half term by the class teachers and the subject leaders.  This allows for successes to be shared and any point for development acted upon.  

Please use the linked pages to look at the Knowledge Organisers for your child’s topics to enable you understand what they are learning about at school and to support their learning at home.  They are organised by subject, year group and half term.  Just click on the unit title to open the associated Knowledge Organiser.

SCIENCE                                                                                         COMPUTING                                                 

HISTORY                                                                                        MUSIC

GEOGRAPHY                                                                                  FRENCH

R.E.                                                                                                 P.E.

ART                                                                                                 P.S.H.E.