Fundraising Hub

Throughout the year, the school will be organising a number of fun events for the children to enjoy and help to raise funds for our school.


Last year, we were successful with the help and support of the community, in raising money to improve our school library.

This year, we would like to continue our focus on developing outside learning by improving our nature area which can be found on the right-hand side of the front field.

This area is currently used for woodland walks; however, the potential of this area is not being reached and we would like to create a space which will become a space for imagination and creativity.  

The vision for the area is to make this a stimuli for writing and creativity along with an environment which can be used for science and geography.


We will be reaching out to local companies to ask if they are able to support us in improving the area. If any members of the Holwell or Ludwick community can offer any of their time, materials or support with this, please can you get in touch through the school office.

This is an extensive project, and we would be very grateful for any support from our local community. We will keep you updated on the project! 


๐Ÿ“•The new library, has provided new equipment and improved the learning space so that now whole classes can enjoy their reading experience together!๐Ÿ“š


๐ŸกThe Holwell Hub new buildings are now up and ready to use. Community courses and meetings have been held in the rooms already and they have been greatly admired by the community.



Just letting you know that Holwell Primary School are now registered with Easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them โ€“ at no extra cost to yourself!

These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so weโ€™d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. Itโ€™s completely FREE and only takes a moment.

Please remember to use easyfundraising every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us, including all the big names like eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more!

If you havenโ€™t signed up to support us yet, itโ€™s easy and completely FREE. These donations really help us, so it would be great if you could take a moment to get started!

You can find our easyfundraising page here:

Thank you so much!


Parents, have you heard of Match Funding?

Many companies throughout the UK offer employees the chance to boost fundraising efforts by 'matching' the money raised by their childโ€™s school. Match funding could help the school to double the amount it raises.

We cannot provide a list of companies that have this policy and would ask that you ask your HR department if this is something that is a company policy.  We do know many banks, building societies, insurance companies, supermarkets, utility providers, car manufacturers and phone companies often have match funding schemes. You may work for a small independent company that may also be willing to match fund a fundraiser.  

If your employer will match fund money raised by the Holwell Hub Fundraising team please contact us or pass on our details to your company.  They will want a letter from the school detailing the events and approximately how much is hoping to be raised. Some companies want you to be involved in the fundraiser.

Match funding could be a large source of income for the school Hub project. We would be incredibly grateful if you could ask your boss or HR department if they have a match fund scheme.

We will be happy to provide a list of our upcoming events and in return thank them for their donation publicly on our social media pages.